Humanitarian Program

At our company, we take pride in our long-standing commitment to addressing malnutrition and promoting health through our Humanitarian Program, which we launched in 2007. This innovative initiative focuses on distributing spirulina tablets across the Philippines, targeting vulnerable populations such as children, adults, and the elderly. Spirulina, a highly nutritious and easily digestible superfood, has been proven to be an effective means of combating malnutrition and promoting overall health. By providing this vital resource, our program aims to improve the well-being of countless individuals, while also making a positive impact on their communities.

Over the years, our Humanitarian Program has expanded its reach and impact, continuing to bring hope and nourishment to those in need. We work closely with local partners and organizations to ensure the effective distribution of spirulina tablets, as well as educating communities about their benefits. Through our dedicated efforts, we have witnessed remarkable improvements in the health and quality of life of the individuals we serve. Our company remains steadfast in our mission to tackle malnutrition and promote health through the power of spirulina, ensuring that communities across the Philippines can thrive and flourish.